Complexity Of Being Human

There is room for every creation in the Creator’s Garden.

Salima Noorani
2 min readApr 6, 2021
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It was a beautiful morning. The rising sun lit up the whole sky. Dewdrops were scattered over the green grass. Nearby, there was a small garden. It was filled with blooming flowers but there was one particular flower that was very sad. It was Tulip. Its sadness was noticed by the sunflower residing in its neighborhood.

“What makes you sad on such a fine morning". Sunflower asked.

“All the visitors in the garden praises the rose nobody even looks at me. Am I not worth their sight? I wish I was a rose". Tulip replied with teary eyes.

To which sunflower offered his wise words, “Oh dear, you don't have to become a rose you are different and there is room for every flower in the garden.”

We become the part of the crowd who always have an opinion about everything and everyone.

We often look at ourselves through other people’s eyes. We make them our mirrors but beware those mirrors are dusty. It doesn't give a clear picture of who we are. This world is the creator’s Garden and there is room for every creature in it.

The question is are we ready to accept the complexity of being human?

If we let others influence the way we feel about ourselves then we will eventually start judging ourselves and the people around us. We become the part of the crowd who always have an opinion about everything and everyone.

To be comfortable in our own skin requires letting go of the habit of constant comparison and competitiveness. That is the only way to keep our sanity intact. The question is are we ready to accept the complexity of being human?



Salima Noorani

On the way to myself | I stopped by the saint | But encountered a sinner| who am I? Go figure.